I recently visited my parents on Cape Cod and took some more test footage with my new gear. I got some nice shots and plan on posting a short video this coming week. A special thanks goes out to Sasha and Nikia, my parents dogs.

Saratoga Springs Videographer
When I wanted to try out some of my new gear, it was a no brainer that ducks would be some of the first things I wanted to film. Ducks have always been great test subjects for me and I can always count on them being at Congress Park in Saratoga Springs.
Here’s some of the footage I recently shot. Also, no ducks or other creatures were harmed in the filming process. I even rewarded them with bread crumbs.
It’s great to have this site up and running. I don’t have much else to add right now except that I have some new video gear arriving soon and plan to get some test footage up, so stay tuned!